Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hola de nuevo, hello again. Sorry for this big gap between last entry and today.
As some of you may know i'm unemployed now, but happier than before ;-) I should have more free time to writte here but...i've been quite busy doing many things usually you dont have time when you are working.

Anyway, we have NEWS.....I went last saturday to LOS PLANETAS gig in Madrid. Just amazing. They have released their last (7th) album after 3 years of silence and a lot of gossips (as usual) about Los planetas separation and so on. But they were there working sometimes but doing things.

They have reinvented theirselves, they have revitalized what they've got in the 90s as the spanish indie reference band.

If there is something i could say i dont like from this last album is that i miss a little bit the pop songs, BUT the rest is almost perfect....

About this album everbody is talking about flamenco-rock fussion but they have done good rock songs based in flamenco roots, but it doesn't mean pure flamenco, even it is difficult to identify where the flamenco is if you dont know a little bit about flamenco.

Trying to sumarize we could say that, they are noisier, more psychedelic, more melacholy, more guitars & drums....but alternating shadows & lights.

Enjoy it. Here you have a couple of songs.

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