Monday, December 24, 2012

The Walkabouts - Berlin
The Walkabouts are back: Berlín es un documento de una banda que nunca ha tomado el camino fácil, una banda que ha vivido mucho y, a veces duramente, y viven para contarlo, una banda que se niega a caer en la complacencia, una banda que continúa reinventándose.

Berlín es el sonido de una banda que no tiene nada que demostrar, salvo que se pueden realizar grandes interpretaciones de sus canciones, realmente grandes.

"Berlin is a wonderful instant classic, a cornerstone of modern American music."
Onda Rock, Italy - (9/10)

"From the first sound of opener "Rainmaker Blues" to the final cymbal crash of the twelve-minute masterpiece "Grand Theft Auto," the long wait was worth it."
Laut, Germany - 4/5

"One reason to be cheerful is that the Walkabouts are still going after more than a quarter of a century. Another is that they can put out an album as good as [Travels In The Dustland] when they've worked so long together. For more than a decade, their music has taken on a more cinematic sweep, and that seems to find its apex in this journey through a mythical American Southwest. It's an epic ambition, and one that they pull of magnificently."

Omar Souleyman - Björk

Björk se ha conjugado con el artista sirio Omar Souleyman. Islandia y Siria unidas musicalmente, resultado, una conjugación musical fabulosa, que te atrapa desde el primer segundo.... queremos más!!!

La islandesa descubrió al músico sirio en 2009, por casualidad, mientras visionaba videos en Youtube; desde el primer momento quedó prendada de su arte y, por lo mismo, se propuso trabajar algún día con él. Finalmente, una y otro se conocieron y.... aqui teneis el resultado.

Omar Souleyman es un artista sirio cuyo sonido bebe de diversos estilos musicales de tradición árabe, aunque también se suele servir de sintetizadores, cajas de ritmos y demás recursos acostumbrados en la creación de música electrónica.


Struggle as a metaphor is something every human can relate to. One of the most prolific and challenging forms of struggle in the world today is the plight of ethnic and religious minorities, which is the topic of Niyaz’s third album, Sumud (pronounced soomood) forthcoming on Six Degrees Records. Translating from Arabic as ‘steadfastness,’ lead singer Azam Ali chose this philosophical term as a symbolic reminder that, as she explains, ‘every human being should inherit the right to live with dignity and freedom upon the land on which they are born.’