Thursday, May 26, 2011

Moby: Destroyed

Ya tenemos lo nuevo de MOBY "destroyed" música electrónica, calma, ambiental, para oir con despacio, poco a poco, déjate llevar, sólo en casa... (o acompañado) estoy terminando de oir el disco, pero queria dejar aqui una breve reseña y un link con un análisis mas detallado.

While the album most certainly has its faults, then, it must be acknowledged that there is a time and a place for an album like Destroyed, a time and a place that may not make themselves immediately obvious. This is not an album that can by any measure be called a masterwork, or even one of the better entries in what is quickly becoming an impressive-sized discography. It merely has its place, in much the same way that Ambient has its place, or Animal Rights. Destroyed is an album created in the middle of the night for the middle of the night. Disappointment awaits those seeking anything more. (

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